
the album '015

produced by Antonio Bartoccetti
cult trend electronic production
out on Autumn 2k15

Antonio Bartoccetti, (both "classic" than "ghost" producer, but in this project just "classic producer) has been working in his studio since two months, always connected to Stedel, really focused in planning, defining and building this new album which looks like one of the most innovative and fresh in the electronic next trend area. Bartoccetti, already known for his historical and worldwide famous masterpieces like Cocoricò, Technoshock, Next objective, Hardcorized, Drag me to Hard, War Robots and more, deicided to set up an amazing team for this new project called TRIP (literally a trip into the dephts of the futuristic sound) , he joined forces with the keyboardist and sound designer Rexanthony, the dynamic Stedel, ,the drummer Florian Gorman in charge of the rhytmic pattern and last but not least, with the cooperation of Terry Williams for the desktop publishing. Dj Stedel obvoiusly took care of all the mixes, between tracks, sounds( both analogic and digital) sequences, new experimentation. The artwork is into the hands of Eddy Fedato, always the top choice in the producer's opinion. Bartoccetti clearly stated that this album will mark a guiding line for all those young producers willing to understand what lies behind the wave. this album is the result of a wide range of music genres, so not only the new kind of EDM (after the singles Pyramid and Overdose, Stedel quickly gained the favor of the big audience worlwide, reaching the top of several international charts) but also, some dubstep, instrumental tracks, a very special metal-prog tune and a couple of techno hits that will most likely smash the dance floor with their catchy beats, just to make it clear, Stedel is bringing some luxury to the techno scene, better keep an eye on this young artist. Bartoccetti aims to take over the charts all over the globe with this new musical jewel out in August, talking about TRIP,he says this is the very first album entirely created basically on line with his artists, they all are giving birth to this album from a huge e-mail exchange, facebook messages, mp3 files and skype calls, in order to define everything from the most important melodic or technical decisions to the very small details like the choice of the plug-ins So, your patience will be rewarded soon.....stay tuned.
Il produttore Antonio Bartoccetti (sia "classic producer" che "ghost producer", ma in questo particolare caso solo ed esclusivamente "classic producer") è da 2 mesi nel suo studio in costante collegamento informatico con STEDEL e in full immersion per pianificare, strutturare, definire, parametrare e strategizzare il nuovo album di STEDEL che si annuncia come una delle opere più innovative del 2015 in area electronic trend next. Bartoccetti già produttore degli album mitici Cocoricò, Technoshock, Next Objective, Hardcorized, Drag me to Hard, War Robots, tutti in area tendenza, si è creato per quest'opera dal titolo emblematico "TRIP" (un viaggio negli abissi del suono del domani) un team eccezionale che vede alla composizione primaria lui stesso insieme al vulcanico Stedel, agli arrangiamenti il tastierista Rexanthony, alle parti ritmiche il batterista Florian Gorman e all'editing globale informatico Terry Williams; il mixage, tra tracce, suoni, sequenze, nuove invenzioni, dinamiche, volumi, suoni analogici e digitali, è naturalmente opera del dj STEDEL. Per la grafica Bartoccetti ha prescelto il creativo Eddy Fedato.... nessun dubbio.... per lui con il "Fedato Image" siamo al top. Bartoccetti ha dichiarato che questo album dovrà saper dare indicazioni per quanto riguarda la musica elettronica a tutti quei giovani che vorranno produrre e comprendere che cosa c'è al di là dell'onda. L'album è strutturato in diverse zone: la nuova EDM ma sempre comunque advanced (dopo i consensi worldwide e le official charts dei singoli 'Pyramid' e 'Overdose'), altre composizioni after EDM electro, brani dubstep d'avanguardia, brani sperimentali, una traccia assolutamente innovativa che si muove nel terreno del trend-progressive-metal ed un paio di techno dance floor d'autore per far capire che anche la techno di oggi puo' essere di grande lusso. L'obiettivo di AB è di arrivare con l'album "TRIP" (previsto per agosto 015) al primo posto delle vendite fisiche e digitali sia in Italia che in Brasile e da lì partire alla grande per Cina, India, States e resto del mondo. Il suo lavoro di produttore procede incessantemente ed in modo assolutamente originale. Sarà il primo album al mondo totalmente generato da una serie infinita di scambi e-mail, msg FB, files mp3 e videochiamate Skype... per le grandi decisioni armonico-melodico-ritmiche, ma anche per le più esagerate piccolezze del tipo scelta meticolosa dei plug-ins... ma anche scelta di mettere nella misura 249 uno fra gli 80 crash disponibili. Insomma, di tutto di più, fra micro-dettagli e mega decisioni. L'attesa dei giovani verrà premiata.


TRIP (preliminary informations)

artist: Stedel
album: "TRIP"
songs: 12 + video
format: digital downloading, CD, USBkey, special Limited Vinyl
TRIP genre: Multisound (advanced edm electro, progressive next, edm metal, techno minimal, dubstep, experimental)
all songs written by Rexanthony, Stedel, Bartoccetti
all songs published by
available: 2015 Autumn

*** STEDEL***
(spring 2015)
...... waiting for the new album "TRIP"

Nome, cognome: Stefano de Longhi

Pseudonimi: Stedel; Sten; Stefi

Quanti anni hai ? 38 fatti il 4 aprile

Il tuo segno zodiacale: Ariete

Paese di nascita: Treviso, Veneto, Italia

Altezza, peso: 176 CM x 64 KG

Colore occhi: Verdi

Segni particolari: Cicatrice su sopracciglio sinistro

Il tuo principale difetto: Orgoglio

La tua principale 'virtu' : Ottimismo

Caratteristica principale del tuo carattere: Sperimentare

Interessi spirituali ? Scientology

Qual'è l'attuale condizione della tua anima?

In continua evoluzione verso la consapevolezza.

Hai mai avuto esperienze con la "realtà virtuale"?

Se intendete quella dei videogiochi, no. La vita reale e' piu' bella di quella virtuale. :)

Hai mai preso a pugni qualcuno? Sfortunatamente si', una sola volta nella
mia vita, quando avevo circa 20 anni, e mi e' servita di lezione, perche'
ne ho prese cosi' tante che ancora me ne ricordo...

Sempre meglio le soluzioni diplomatiche? Decisamente si'.

Le tue fantasie ricorrenti ? Essere circondato da tante bellissime donne.

Qual'è la tua attività extra-musicale ? Sono un appassionato di motori, di
tutto quello che e' velocita' come moto da strada e auto da corsa o supercar.

Che cosa è la musica per te ? La lingua universale del mondo. Energia allo stato puro. Emozioni. Ricordi. Passione.

Che cosa ne pensi del brano "Pyramid" ? "Pyramid" e' stato il mio primo pezzo da dj producer e devo dire che ha avuto
un ottimo successo in giro per il mondo che sinceramente non mi aspettavo cosi' grande. Trasmette un
ritornello tarantico al quale il popolo della notte non puo' resistere. Mi
piace vedere la gente che salta con le mani alzate. "Pyramid" e' un pezzo
unico nel suo genere, non per niente abbiamo scelto questo nome. "Pyramid" mi ha iniziato, illuminato.

Che cosa ne pensi del video "Pyramid"? E' pazzesco. In pochi minuti Antonio
Bartoccetti, produttore del video nonche' mio manager, e' riuscito ad
esprimere in immagini quello che io ho voluto esprimere con la musica. Il
passaggio piu' caratteristico e' la visione degli schiavi all'interno della

Che emozioni ti sta dando ancora il tuo secondo singolo "Overdose" ? "Overdose" e' energia. Piu' la
ascolto e piu' mi carica, con quelle sue fantastiche sonorita' edm-trance.
"Overdose" lo sento dentro, sullo stomaco, nel sangue dentro alle mie vene,
nella pelle. Sale sale fino alla mia mente e mi fa viaggiare...

E' davvero eccezionale il nuovo album "Trip"? "Trip" sara' un viaggio verso
qualcosa di unico, di non esistente prima. Preparatevi ad usare tutti i
vostri sensi in un viaggio extra-sensoriale che lascera' il segno nelle
vostre vite...

Qual è il momento migliore della giornata ? La mattina. Amo la vita e ogni
giorno mi alzo ringraziando l'Universo per quello che mi sta dando.

Il tuo sogno ricorrente : Sinceramente non ne ho uno ricorrente. Di solito
sono sempre sogni belli e positivi.

Dormi sempre bene ? Benissimo! Spesso non mi ricordo nemmeno di aver
appoggiato la testa sul cuscino...

Qual'è il miglior posto del mondo: Il Mondo !

Colore preferito: Mi piacciono tutti i colori dell'arcobaleno. Ma anche il nero e il bianco.

Cibo preferito: Orientale.

Donna ideale con cui vivere: Esteticamente una donna bionda, capelli lunghi e lisci, occhi azzurri, labbra carnose,
fisico da fitness, terza piena di
seno, sedere sodo, gambe lunghe e piede numero 36. Caratterialmente una
donna che mi lasci la mia indipendenza e liberta'.

Sentimento o sesso? Sentimento.

Bevanda preferita: Redbull.

Computer preferito: Sony

Radio preferite: Ce ne sono molte che mi piacciono in giro per il mondo:
russe, brasiliane, ceche, americane. In italia mi piacciono molto
m2o, Studiopiù, radio Piterpan e Stereocitta'.

Studio grafico preferito: Eddy Fedato Image

Studio di incisione preferito: Musik Research di Rexanthony

Perchè? Perchè è l'unico in Italia a suonare uguale o meglio degli olandesi e americani.

Collezioni ? Esperienze :)

Il tuo relax preferito: Una bella camminata con le cuffiette che sparano musica a tutto volume !

Che libro stai leggendo attualmente? "Il monaco che vendette la sua Ferrari"

Poeta preferito: nessuno

Compositore preferito: Mozart

Tre albums amati in assoluto: Nessuno in particolare. A me piace tutta la musica del mondo.

Qual'è l'ultimo film che hai visto ? "The Secret"

I tuoi interessi principali al di là della musica ? Mi interessa la
spiritualita' e accedere al sapere inteso come poter aiutare la gente e
rendere questo mondo migliore.

Che cosa odi maggiormente ? L'immoralita'.

Che cosa ti preoccupa del futuro ? Sinceramente, niente. Io mi affido
all'Universo e mi fido di quello che mi mandera'.

Temi la malattia e la morte ? Assolutamente no.

Hai mai fatto uso di droghe ?
Si. Ed e' proprio grazie all'esperienza fatta
sulla mia pelle che oggi posso dire: non drogatevi !

Di che cosa te ne freghi: Delle cose negative :)

Le tre cose più importanti della vita: spiritualita', etica e valori.

Che cosa cambieresti del mondo? La consapevolezza, intesa come rendere le persone autodeterminate.

Animale preferito: cane.

La tua frase tipica:
Stedel 1.0: "mai paura, testa alta e brocca dura!"
Stedel 2.0: "quando gli uomini si potranno fidare gli uni degli altri, vivremo in un mondo migliore"


Stedel "Overdose"
(Musik Research label / MR-077)
"POSITION N.28"... on iTunes Top Charts!!!!!


Stedel interview ITALIAN VERSION
Stedel interview CHINESE VERSION

Stedel .... Pyramid, Overdose and the new album
By Stefania Pandolfi

Stedel (dj and producer) is the exception that proves the rules thanks to his first piece Pyramid, penetrating and orchestrated in a dynamical creativity. The cult label Musik Research has been able to make always better and more original pieces, often going against the grain and over the years, unlike all the other labels, they have been defined in continuous improvement in creativity and music expression , ventured in all kinds of music categories: Stedel, along with Marcos is one of the new artists of Musik Research. I am a freelance journalist: I lived of many experiences knowing many big names of rave music, Dutch labels and radio networks that promises to promote your song, I knew Amsterdam! I met two DJ producers among the most biggest. At the begining I was listening to hardcore-hardstyle, now I only listen to electro EDM and only great stuff. Between the grooves of “Pyramid” and the brand new “Overdose” that I got the opportunity to hear, feeling and the atmosphere that I’ve got was is really divine, a sort of synthesis of high and hyper technological of all the best progressive house contaminated by dub and the new trance, a complex overall sound and capable of biting and unique inspired and lightning capable to seduce me, to penetrate into my mind and body with a unique grace that makes me shiver and make me dance over my energy. I do not know what is envy but in this case yes! Stedel has reached in short time an unimaginable level of self satisfaction both for him and his fans: on Facebook he has over 80,000 and destined to grow. From which I know he has been contacted by the big of youth festivals and I am sure to see him protagonist on the console in front of thousands of people. Now for sure I know he has the third single under construction, after that I will wait forward to see his first album that will not be only EDM 128 beats and for sure I know he will introduce heavy metal guitar mixed with dance , I’m willing to enjoy his release in CD form, because the great artists still prints CD’s. But now it 's the turn of “Overdose” with those wonderful hypnotics sequences. Go STEDEL, this time you are starting with the sixt gear.


Every day 150 songs are released on the market and Pyramid left a significant sign, how do you explain this ?

Stedel: Pyramid is different, it is unique. With Pyramid I’ve been able to transmit all my energy and positivity to the night world. And not only. In a world which I see and hear often exhaust, flat and where most of the tracks repeat themselves, with “Pyramid” I’ve been able to armonize resonances from trance which reminds the 90’s with EDM sonorities, leading genre of the moment worldwide. It begins with a melodic sound, which most like, smart with a progressive following , typical of my characteristics. It is making worldwide dance all! From last report, mostly from Itunes, “Pyramid” have totalized a satisfying numbers of official downloads. It was not been easy, me and Rex Anthony closed ourselves in the studios of Musik Research feeding ourselves only of music and nothing else.
“Pyramid” looking toward the top, same as the top of its name. In the old days they built the pyramids to reach upper levels of civility and of gods; others say that in ancient Egypt they pointed the pyramids toward inhabited far worlds. That is what “Pyramid” wants to do, to continue the tradition and to mark a difference from all the rest. I also want to thank Musik Research for having created the anonymous video which I invite all to visit on YouTube.

Where once it was all based on downloading, now things are changing and streaming is becoming a leader ?

Stedel: Nowadays where you would want to have everything at once, streaming is the fastest way to achieve this. For example even movies, while one day you needed to download, now the quickest and easiest way is to see them on streaming or like someone like to call them “On Demand”: this way you can see and hear what you like in any moment. You don’t need to save anywhere and can listen anytime you like, just you need is an internet connection. The digital world is going forward in this direction, video , pics, files and music; this is the future. Back to us, streaming is becoming the best way to get digital music and the result can be compared at 10 times more of downloading and to disappear in the next future. The most efficient tool at this moment for me is SPOTIFY in random or by subscription to listen music. All in streaming without worrying about space in your hard disk. And still not yet seen the full potential of streaming and the effect of changes that will bring to all of us. I like streaming, makes life easier and will take us to the future and I like the future.

How did it go in the studio with “Pyramid” ?

Stedel: I worked together with Rex Anthony in the studios of Musik Research for the whole month of May 2014, for more than 15 sessions for a total many hours given free to music goddess. It was magic, 2 artist born in the same year with same passion for music! It was our destiny. We had to work together. For me it has been a great honor to learn from him, compare with him with extreme serenity, professional and honest collaboration. Before arriving to “Pyramid”, which all you know, we put together a sequence of 28 different hypothetical versions that have allowed us to refine all the sounds in details. We had listen, experiment, danced and laugh many times even if we also had some bad times, those in which you are not able to go ahead, for an instrument, the rhythmic or a chord. Life is great also for this, no? I would say the studio experience with “Pyramid” , just rousing!

Which radio have well received ?

Stedel: My label, “Musik Research” have their own promotional policy, from their headquarters they send the master to New York which then had been sent to 36 radio dance selected worldwide. In Italy was selected M2o and RS+ which believe in the potential of the song. RS+ have nominated “Pyramid” from Monday 9th June 2014 beat of the week and have been listen from thousands of people in radio connection from Rimini and Riccione beaches and from all over Italy! I’ve received many emails, messages and phone calls from enthusiastic people for “Pyramid” which shared with me their positive feelings. All this thanks to all radios nominated which worldwide played in streaming: I’ve seen created fans from Hong Kong, Brazil, Romania……increadable!!! “Pyramid” is playing in the best clubs from best Dj all around the world, also in this exact moment. My fans are recording from their favorite club or record the audio from the radio and then share with me, this is too exciting.

And now how will it be called the new 'bomb' ?

Stedel: in preview only for you I will tell you the song name: it will be titled “OVERDOSE”! born from an idea from Doris Norton composed by her in 1983, worldwide known artist in the electronic scenes (sponsored by IBM, ROLAND, APLLE) also a very beautiful woman for which she needs no presentation. There is a crazy sequence in which once in studio we have added some trance sound and vocals. “OVERDOSE” represents for me the maximum expression of my energy ,positivity and joy for life, in which I always want to transmit to who listens to me. I’ve choosed the name “Overdose” because of different meanings, but the best I like is and best represents me is an “overdose” of love. There is no more beautiful word in the world of the word “Love” and a overdose of it, I will recommend and wish to all. “Overdose” will be this, will make you fall in love again…and also dance.

When will be released “Overdose” ?

Stedel: “Overdose” will be worldwide released before September 2014. I have no doubts that it will be a great success. Be prepare to listen to something really powerful!

How do you define “Overdose” ?

Stedel: “Overdose” is in total EDM line and able to bind harmoniously feelings and memories of the past with confidence of the future. “Overdose” reflects my musical timing. Inside you will be able to feel the sound that reproduces the iron ladle of a witch intending on stirring her greenish magic portion inside the pot.

After “Overdose” it seems to me to understand that you will do a vocal song….

Stedel: Yes, we already start thinking about and will start developing it in studio in autumn 2014. It is a song that will mean a lot to me, it will be my first release in vocal dance of my musical life. It is had been a while I was thinking about it and talking with my manager. It will tell a very nice story, a love story, handed down from several generations. It will be something that will twist my music sphere. Also the singer will be someone which will involve a lot! But I already told you too much…

Getting back for a while, the photos of your first 2 singles are gorgeous: who is following you for the graphics ?

Stedel: Thanks for your compliments, actually I also like them very much. The photos have been edited by Raffaele Gardenal instead the graphic part is followed by my partner Eddy Fedato. They are 2 great young professionals, with great ideas and thoughts toward the future. Tireless workers and 2 great creative minds. The cover of “Pyramid” was made following the trend of EMD, very clean and harmonious played with lights, instead for “Overdose” , always following the EMD trend but with more eye catching graphics, more aggressive with representation of the concept of Ying and Yang, black and white, the bad and the good, the paradise and hell. It has been arduous graphic project which represents our lifestyles, enterprising and innovative. The music, photographs are arts and if put in the right hands can ravish the senses.

To crown the whole project, will there be a Stedel committed at 360°, surely EDM, but also with experimental dubstep events, want to tell us about the project ?

Stedel: My life is simple, my actions are simple , my thoughts are simple, my music is simple, all pure energy. Dubstep; since the first time I heard about it, I immediately fall in love. I felt a great positive energy from it inside me, those which not often you feel when listening to music. It was a different power, felt my blood in my veins, a chill throughout my body, I felt euphoric. I have made a great culture in this genre. Listening for hours and hours to understand if those feelings were remaining or vanished after an enthusiastic beginning. Instead no! the chills remain so I decided that one or more songs will be dubstep. Experimental had been one of my characteristics and on the album you will listen EDM sonority and experimental that will remind you that you are alive.

You have confessed more than one time that you don’t want to play small lives but prefer big events. What do you plan for 2015? Is it possible to see you in the big festivals ?

Stedel: In the technological era in which we live also in music have accepted dee jays in big events, small events are not in my thoughts. As a DJ producer my idea is to produce, in short time, at least a dozen of songs to be proposed at the big festivals, in Italy but priority for the rest of the world. Nobody is a prophet in his own land, even if Italy will remain always in my heart; I will look forward first abroad. Never stop and talk about your own dreams, dreams keep you alive, it will make you feel better and grow self confidence.
Dreams are wishes in life and I wish I can do all I like. 2015? I will welcome with the spirit of the game, like I’ve always done till now looking to create the right conditions to improve me and all the people that surrounds me.

How do you defined your commitment in Sliderking international enterprise ?

Stedel: SliderKing was established in 2010 from an idea of my friend Eddy Fedato. It is a great sport, adrenalinic, crazy! We go downhill from panoramic mountain roads from around the world with….. a tricycle! Yes a tricycle for adults which we call Slider. Same has the sport name: SliderKing or King of the drift. Front wheel same as a normal bike with pedals, instead the back wheels are empty plastic wheels for better drifting, we are the first and only worldwide to create this sport activity with international rules, now we are trying to introduce it around the world. In 2014 we have been in Brazil, Austria, Hungry and Italy. In 2015 we are getting agreements with other nations which we are receiving great interest in it. First 2 years I had run with my awesome chromed customized tricycle with my lucky number 7. Now I’m part of the staff and referee since SlideKing had increased in a very fast way and no time to run. I invite everybody to check their facebook page and go to google to check some nice videos. “Pyramid” is the official soundtrack for 2014 and both like a couple of turbos are given to each other the right boost to be known in every part or the world.

Stedel interview ITALIAN VERSION
Stedel interview CHINESE VERSION

Stedel discography
“Pyramid” (2014) single
“Overdose” (2014) single
"Trip" (2015) album
Stedel video: Pyramid written and edited by Musik Research team (2014)

[video] STEDEL "Pyramid" (EDM 2014)


[video] STEDEL "Overdose" (EDM 2014)

Stedel interview CHINESE version


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