Event: Automatic presented by One Dirty Speaker Kit info e-mail Where: Globulo club - Via Padana superiore 44b - Castegnato-Brescia - Italy When: February 6 - 2004 (23:00 - 04:30) DJ s: Dannyway Project (P.O.V. record) Emanuele Franzoni, Sakito Event: Cleopatra Psydelica Where: X-Tra , Limmatstrasse 118 , Zurich - Switzerland When: February 7 - 2004 (22:00 - 06:00) DJ s: Junya (Phantasm , EMI / UK), Thujon (Phantasm , Agitato /CH), Neptun (Rainbow Tribe / CH), Psyloxid (Rainbow Tribe / CH), Poonah (Rainbow Tribe / CH) Live : Eskimo (Phantasm , EMI / UK), Sesto Sento (Compact / IS), Protoculture (Nano Rec / SA) info e-mail Event: Junction Where: Space Level 2, 127 Liverpool St - Sydney -Australia When: February 7 - 2004 (22:00 - 06:00) DJ s: Mark Dynamix, Robbie Lowe, Jeff Drake vs. Mikah Freeman, Simon Bell, Scott Oliver, Craig Obey, Illya, Ajax, JacknJazz, Nick Vidal vs. Husky more info Event: TOMATOLOOZER info e-mail aNTImUSICsOUNDtANKdIGITALmACHINA campionamento, decostruzione e ricostruzione Where: Circolo degli Artisti - Via Casilina Vecchia, 42 (P.zza Lodi) - Roma - Italy info +39-0670305684 , nfo e-mail When: February 12 - 2004 (22:00) DJ s residents: Anello/Malerba visual zone: lady Kipepeo FREE ENTRY ![]() Event: SVEN VATH - 3 Hours Where: Dome - Lindau - Germany tel (D) ++49-83827144 , Fax. ++49-8382977522 , e-mail When: February 13 - 2004 (23:00 - 05:00) ![]() larger size more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail ![]() Event: EXTRAVAGANZA -THE BIG RETURN presented by ![]() Where: Hyper:04 - Alberobello - Bari - Italy When: February 13 - 2004 (22:00) DJ s special guest: JOY KITIKONTI (metempsicosi) ROBY SAMPLEMAN * SESYA * SPIKO mic: MC BART * MAX LUXURIA infoline (I) +39-3403237583 info e-mail info e-mail Event: Automatic presented by One Dirty Speaker Kit info e-mail Where: Globulo club - Via Padana superiore 44b - Castegnato-Brescia - Italy When: February 13 - 2004 (23:00 - 04:30) DJ s: resident : Emanuele Franzoni , (Dannyway Project) , special guest : Aldo T.V. (Umtrabeat / After Tea Roma) Event: Dragon Where: City Hotel, Lvl 2, cnr King & Kent St, Sydney - Australia When: February 13 - 2004 (21:30 - 04:00) DJ s: Jamie Lloyd & Dan B (Frohlich), Marley, Norton, Mr Smith & The Professor Event: Mokum party Where: Xics club , Peschiera del Garda (Verona) - Italy Autostrada a4, uscita peschiera del garda, ---> verona/affi, 500 mt sulla destra When: February 14- 2004 (21:00 - 05:00) DJ s: Hardcore Floor: Claudio Lancinhouse-Underconstriuction/Italy Chosen Few- mokum rec/fuken rec/ Holland Randy-Randy 909%/Italy Dano- mokum rec/fuken rec/Holland Lenny Dee- Industrial strenght/Usa Erim - Ugm/ Germany Jonny Cage- Ugm/ Germany Second Floor: pauly vs Demon Alex Coma NIghtmare Ander Live : Tellurian- Mokum rek/ Cenobite rec/ Holland more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: Green Dreams 25 Hrs Open Air Trance Gathering presented by Green Dreams Where: Xochitepec, Morelos, Mexico When: February 14 - 2004 DJ s: Bio-Tonic (Solstice Music.FR), Protoculture (Nano.SA), Rinkadink (Alchemy.SA), Beat Hackers (Agitato.IL), Triptych (Shiva Space.FR), Sharigrama (Psyclon.MX), Ecliptic (BolloniaLTD.MX), Barak (SOE.MX) Dream Sets: Miki VS Guy (Beat Hackers/Agitato.IL), Nate (Nano.SA), Vana (Alchemy.SA), Charles (Shiva Space.FR), Djamba (Green Dreams.MX), Azgal (Digital Trance/Kuira.MX), Andreas (Kinetik/Nano.MX), Messie (Maia.MX), Shove (Alchemy.MX), Panda(Psyclon.MX), Golu (Mayabeat.MX) Deco: Green Dreams Visuales: IN-KAL (SET ESPECIAL) Tickets: Limitado a 3200 localidades Preventa: Inicia el 22 Diciembre con 3200 localidades limitadas, se contara con un contador en la pagina web del evento indicando las localidades restantes, una vez que el contador llegue a cero se terminaran las preventas y no habra venta en taquilla. Precios: Del 22 de Diciembre al 4 de Enero $180 Del 5 De enero al 25 de Enero $210 Del 26 de Enero al 13 De Febrero $260 Dia del Evento $300 (Condicionado a las localidades restantes para esa fecha) La Preventa incluye: -Estacionamiento -Agua -Poster Conmemorativo (Produccion Limitada) -VCD Poromocional de In-Kal (Produccion Limitada) Se usara el sistema de preventa con identificacion. Al llegar al evento tienes que presentar una identificacion para cambiar tu preventa por tu brazalete de acceso.No habra excepciones Servicios: Estacionamiento Vigilado Seguridad Albercas Zona De Camping vigilada Barra De Alimetnos Y Bebidas Mexico puntos de Preventa: -Maia Shop -Astral Freaks :: Condesa :: Sta Fe :: Satelite :: Villacoapa :: Centro -Puebla :: Psyclon Shop hotline (Mxico): 0445510038717 info e-mail Event: Riviera Gang presents: "beat boutique" Where: Alporto , Porto Luca Ferrari, 26 - Alassio (Savona) - Italy tel (I) 0182.470.886 When: February 19 - 2004 DJ s special guest from New York Bar, MTV one night tour: Miss JANET resident djs: Antonello Love & Francis Event: SVEN VATH - @ GOA (Roma) ![]() Where: Goa , - Via Libetta 13 , Roma - Italy tel (I) 065748277, 0657544689 When: February 19 - 2004 (23:00 - 04:00) ![]() larger size more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: SVEN VATH @ Magazzini Generali (Milano) more info Where: Magazzini generali , Via Pietrasanta 14 - 20141 Milano - Italy info e-mail When: February 20 - 2004 (23:00 - 04:00) DJ s: Lele sacchi Special guest:Sven vath ![]() larger size more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: KNOWWHERE Where: The Soundshaft - Hungerford Lane off Craven St - London WC2 - UK tel (UK) 020-79302020 ![]() larger size When: February 20 - 2004 (22:00 - 06:00) DJ s: Anthony Dean, Ian Betts, Conti, Dom Pardy, Shaun Rowland Dress code:Your best smile! more info (UK): Info:07976 613011 or 07815 824826, e-mail Event: LOVE INSIDE Where: Gasoline Disco- via bonnet 5 - Milano - Italy When: February 21 - 2004 DJ : Sergio Matina resident: Tommy Boy Vox:Ania J infoline (I) +39-3489334098 , 3803113966 info e-mail info e-mail Event: Sven Vath @ COCORICO' (Riccione) Where: Cocorico' Club - v .le Chieti, 44 - 47838 Riccione (Rimini) - Italy tel (+39) 0541 605183 , fax (+39) 0541 691496, e-mail When: February 21 - 2004 (23:00 - 05:00) Pyramid zone ![]() larger size Titilla area claudio di rocco + federica baby doll + pepe Morphine area "fever 103°" by niconote n.7 session dedicayed to Sylvia Plath featuring d-room david love calò Event: DRAGON BAL Where: Dock des Suds , 12 rue Urbain V - Marseille - France Tel (F) :, Fax (F) 04.91.917385 , e-mail When: February 21 - 2004 (20:00 - 05:00) DJ s: DJSETS TEK: DAVE CLARKE, SCAN X, MISS KITTIN, TONIO ,KEVIN, MILOCH ,ALEX K, ARNO DJSETS ELECTRO GROOVE: TIGA, JORI HULKKONEN, ULTA COLOR ,PAUL, MAX LE SAL GOSSE, PATRICE MOORE ,STRAT, WILLY ,XAVIER DJSETS OLD SCHOOL: WOODY MC BRIDE, CFDR'X, JACK DE MARSEILLE, JP4, DJ RALPH, KRISS, GARFIELD ,THONY,NICO, ST JEAN more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: LIVE on STAGE @ Velvet presented by Qualcosinaparty e info Where: Velvet Rock Club, via S. Aquilina - Rimini - Italy infoline (I): 328.2610098 When: February 21 - 2004 (22:00) Live : LE BRAGHE CORTE + LET'S GET LOST ![]() more info (Italy): (++39) 328-2610098
Event: FRANKIE HI NRG MC + TakeAway + Dj set Where: LAGABBIA MUSIC CLUB , Centro Commerciale OK, Strada statale 47 Valsugana, uscita Pove - Bassano del Grappa (VICENZA) - Italy infoline (I):329/7435240 - 333/4388483 , e info ![]()
Live : HOGWASH + MARTA SUI TUBI + ELLE + GOODMORNINGBOY + BABALOT + guests Prevendite (informazioni) (I) 329/7435240 (Eddy) ![]() Event: EXTRAVAGANZA --THE EVENT- presented by ![]() Where: ISLAND DISCO - Matera - Italy When: February 21 - 2004 (22:00) DJ s special guest: GINGER (il comandante) ROBY SAMPLEMAN * SESYA * SPIKO mic: MC BART * MAX LUXURIA infoline (I) +39-3403237583 - 3290113705 info e-mail info e-mail Event: Starfuckers Infotel (I) +39 3387736242 , info e-mail Where: Bologna - Italy When: February 21 - 2004 DJ s: Elektro set from: LEEROY THORNHILL (ex Prodigy) - u.k Electro - techno : PRESSLABOYS (press lab rec), TRANZ LASAGNE (biokip - threshold), HATE CORPORATION (sfk), HOOKER (biokip - threshold), SPIRIT RESONANCE (threshold), KICO (expander), FLUSHING DEVICE (biokip - threshold) H.core - Darkore - Old Skool : EVGENY VASILIEV - RUSSIA, (dj antikiller - fix party rec) RAVE GLADIATORS (pietelanderecords) DEATH NOIZE TERRORIST - AU , ( naz-t - death noize clan ) PLACID K (choose or lose rec) PICCOLO KIMICO set 95°98° (ex number one) SKYSCRAPER - HUNGARY, (d.n.c ungary) CEK (d-boy) ALEX COMA (deep impact) PRICS (protect area) Intro : Kenny - Fork - Bart & Offman - Coco Performers: Italian Ravers Industrial - Drum'n'Bass - Speedcore - Break & Noise : TRAUMA XP - d FRUITY 6 vs DIAZAPAM CREW - swiss (666 hardbeat ) BALLI (sonic belligeranza ) P-SHATZA (phakt rec) BAHNTIER dj set (karnak rec) DOBERMAN (e.b.c) KOS vs WES (free lance) RUMBA (basstaste crew) ERIK' O (free lance) EXAGON (megarave - nl) Goa - Trance : E.V.P - england MARKAYN (sfk) MATTE (jumping trip proj.) CLETO (reiky vibration) SUN (alien tribe) HIPPO (psyconauti) UGE (om factory) FACE (sound splatters) TONY PEE (sfk) Little VIRUS (speed zone) Intro : Step - Tommy Gun Visual Art & V.J set : T-CHEES Performance : SAMURAI TEK Hard Style sets : PSY MAN aka RICKY T (green force rec) DAVE DEVIL (kickin's tunes) NRG (ebc) Live : LOU CHANO (phakt rec.) THE CATSCAN (NL) HOVER MARK (sfk) JANS aka INSECTOID ( sfk ) CEREBRAL DESTRUCTION live Starfuckers the alternative party for lovers of the full spectrum of electronic music without politics and racist limits, is back for it's 9th edition For the occasion there will be world-wide renown djs (Leeroy Thornhill - ex Prodigy) playing in the event will after contemporary art expos, chil out zones, prevention points, performances, merchandising and fast food... Incredible atmosphear with laser, mega screen, live performances. Starfuckers is ready to receive people from all part of the world. 60000 martin audio, 2 laser show, hypnotic video, art expò, fast food, chill out, merchandising area, emergenzy zone, free parking In association with "AMNESTY INTERNAZIONAL" sez. Bologna "CENTRI DI ACCOGLIENZA" more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: Psychedelic Carnival 2004 Where: TBA - Portugal When: from February 21 (23:00) ----> till February 24 - 2004 (12:00) Live: Ultravoice (Com.pact Records) Israel Dynamic (Phonokol Rec./Infinity Rec.) Israel Quantum Leap (Twilight Zone/Kagdila Records) Portugal Sidhartha (Kagdila Records) Portugal Tryambaka (Twilight Zone) Portugal D-Maniacs (Moonbat/Ecliptica) Portugal DJs : Shay Almakayes (Dynamic/Phonokol Rec.) Israel Ben Avital (Dynamic/Phonokol Rec.) Israel Avi Levi (Ultravoice/Com.pact Records) Israel Eksco (Twilight Zone/Kagdila Records) Otiram (Twilight Zone/Ping) Vortex (Twilight Zone/Ecliptica) Rasec (Downhouse/Eclitpica) Ecc(o) (Moonbat Ac.) Juggler ( Shaitan (Goa Goblins) Portugal Logic (Astrologic) Portugal Freeza (Full On) Portugal X_DNA - Portugal Hotline Portugal +351967300303 & +351916517405 Event: Boom Where: Boom - Alte Ceccato (Vicenza) - Italy Uscita autostrada A4 Montechhio Maggiore, 3 km dal Casello When: February 22 - 2004 (15:00 - 20:00) DJ s: Hardcore floor: Placid K Jimmi Hooligan Gadda Sky D. Ross Giulio Mc F*u*c*k more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: 'Noblesse Cocktail @ G-Lounge Where: G-Lounge - Via Larga 8 - Milano - Italy When: February 24 - 2004 (18:47) Proiezione del video PLAY MAGAZINE tutte le tendenze donna per l'estate 2004 in due ore di moda e musica DJ s: DADO FUNKY POETZ (VRadio Montecarlo, Radio Capital) special guest: FEEL GOOD PRODUCTIONS FREE ENTRY PRENOTAZIONE TAVOLI (I): Riccardo Fantasy Filippi (+39) 3474253424 Michele (+39) 3933350237 ![]() Direzione Artistica : Lorenzo Lello Carvelli Ufficio Stampa: Davide Nicolo' ![]() Event: SPACE CARNIVAL 2004 feat. LOST IN SIENA COLLECTIVE Where: CORTE DEI MIRACOLI - via Roma 56 (Porta Romana) - Siena (Italy) info +39-057748596 , nfo e-mail When: February 24 - 2004 DJ s: Dj Larry (techno) Cry Cook (trance) live act + dj set more info codiceuno Tel-SMS (I): 338 68 23 827 - e-mail Event: TRANCE GENERATORS present their new album "BANGIN' SOUNDS! " Where: NV club - 163 Oxford St, Darlinghurst - Sydney - Australia. Tel (AU) : (612) 9360 5666 When: February 27 - 2004 (22:00-06:00) resident DJs John Ferris, Nervous, Bexta, Mark Owens, Pete Heery, Mish, Obsidian, Bassboy Italy's finest trance masters, Trance Generators, with over 20 sold out releases in 15 counries, creators of the Future Sound Corporation will be playing it loud and tough, exclusive to plastic Event: Automatic presented by One Dirty Speaker Kit info e-mail Where: Globulo club - Via Padana superiore 44b - Castegnato-Brescia - Italy When: February 27 - 2004 (23:00 - 04:30) DJ s: Emanuele Franzoni (dennyway project, P.O.V. records) Rossella (After tea @ Goa club - Roma) Event: RESSACA DO CARNAVAL presented by WFA ![]() Where: The One Club , Rua Quata 1071 , Via Olimpia - Sao Paulo - Brasil tel. (Br)3842-7956 , nfo e-mail When: February 27 - 2004 (22:00-late) JEITO MOLEQUE, VAGABUNDOS, DESAFIO more info e-mail Event: Freaks Where: La Laiterie , 13 rue Hohwald , Strasbourg - France Tel (F) , Fax (F) , e-mail When: February 28- 2004 (22:00 - 05:00) DJ s: Hardcore: NOISEBUILDER dj set (Gazole,Heretiks,Paris) BUDBURNERZ live (Epileptik, Paris) MANIAK live (BEAST,Psychik genocide, Paris) AL CORE aka Micropoint live (Uwe, Paris) BASS STAR aka Keta&Dacom@ live (Esoterik Eskort, Metz) BASSREFLEKTOR vs KERRYNOIZER live+ guitare (Insektrecords, Lille) K-ZA dj set (Dezakore, Metz) Techno (petite salle) Frederic de Carvalho (Zinetik,, Paris) XDS (V-limited, Atomic'x agency, Strasbourg) Jean No (La Vocce Della Luna, Nancy) Flora vs Veronika (Pussy Power/ Requiem, Strasbourg/Metz) more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: LIVE on STAGE @ Velvet presented by Qualcosinaparty e info Where: Velvet Rock Club, via S. Aquilina - Rimini - Italy infoline (I): 328.2610098 When: February 28 - 2004 (21:30) Live : HOGWASH + MARTA SUI TUBI + ELLE + GOODMORNINGBOY + BABALOT + guests ![]() apertura porte: ore 21:00 inizio concerto: ore 21:30 biglietto: 5 euro entro le 23:00 ---> dopo 13 euro int. ,10 rid. more info (Italy): (++39) 328-2610098 Event: Inside The Sphere Where: Gare de Voiron - Grenoble - France Meeting point @ Carrefour Voiron ZI Blanchisserie 38500 When: February 28 - 2004 (21:00 - 13:00) DJ s: CHRISTOF (Absolum / 3D Vision) IBIZA JAHBO (Meteloids / Apoxina Rds) DANEMARK PHANTOMAS (Anaxadora) SWITZERLAND NAGA (TRISKELL - Trancestral / Hadra / Inpsyde Media Rds) PARIS F SPACED (Hadra) GRENOBLE F DRISS (Hadra) GRENOBLE F Live : ABSOLUM 3D VISION - IBIZA Strict but friendly security Infoline F : code 041003 info e-mail Event: FROZEN SOUNDZ presented by LOST IN SIENA COLLECTIVE Where: THE B-SIDE (ex Village Voice) - Viale Toselli - Siena (Italy) info +39-338.9645067 , 339.3476872 , 348.0347232 , e-mail When: February 28 - 2004 DJ s: Codiceuno (Siena) vs. DJ Malice (Montpellier) Live : ABSENT. (electronic live act) Mc Aly , DigitalMancio (VJ) more info codiceuno Tel-SMS (I): 338 68 23 827 - e-mail Event: UNDERCONSTRUCTION Where: Xics club, Peschiera del Garda (Verona) - Italy When: February 28 - 2004 (23:00 - 05:00) DJ s: Hardcore Floor: Randy- 3 hours set Jimmy Hooligan- underconstruction Industrial Floor: Dushan -Underconstruction Ized- Underconstruction more info (Italy): (++39) 0289540067, 330235474, e-mail Event: Ritual - the Eclectic Freakin Out Event presented by RITUAL The Next Vision of Clubbing Where: Twisted Club -Via del Cardello 13 (traversa Via Cavour) - Roma - Italy ![]() flyer full size When: February 28 - 2004 (22:30) Strict dress code party Dress Code: chubby lovers authentic freaks eclectic minds no sense lovers slave to insanity extreme sarcasm power of irony can I play with madness? toilet boy hilarious fashion give me a break mind noiz freak of the weak sleazy lazy total naked outsiders outlanders get it out and be yourself pain to express disease space cowboys cowgirl burlesque carnival addicts grotesque scary monsters + rubber latex TV/TS drag cybergoth hard dancers extreme clubbing gas mask sm ecc.. La Direzione si riserva il diritto di selezione alla porta Selection at the door by Silvia 2 Levels , 3rooms Level 1 Sleazy Eclectic Dancefloor and Ritual Hard Dancing Philosophy Dj David TG from Torture Garden London Dj Ritual Heavy Dancing Dj DKG AssShaking TitsBouncin HardHouse Freak Out Stage SPECIAL SHOW : The Freak Out Competition + SKOID EXTREME BOSY ART Chill Out Visions Area Visuals projections by David TG Level 2 Mind Contortion Dungeon Mistress Steph on the Throne Trampling Whipping Submission - Boots Equipped by Do it yourself Gigolò Dancefloor Dj Axel Fool No wave Punk Clash Gigolò Disco Italo Disco Dj Sick Atmospheric Ritualistic Ambient Freak Out Competition Durante levento sarà possible esibirsi sul palco (prenotazione) di Ritual per la Freak Out Competition Info e Lista Prenotazioni (I) tel. +39 333/2051885, +39 333/2203213 |
advanced technologic sound magazine Archives February 2004