Cristian Marchi, un punto di riferimento della scena house europea ed italiana da circa vent'anni. Le sue produzioni ed i suoi remix sono supportati dai dj piu' importanti del mondo, da David Guetta a Calvin Harris, da Dada Life a Bob Sinclar. Da Mykonos alla Polonia, dalla Corea all'Australia, dalla Francia alla Spagna, fino ovviamente all'Italia, Cristian costantemente in tour e con la sua progressive house fa scatenare club e festival.
Nato a Mantova, classe '76, oggi un vero fenomeno del mixer, un professionista che fa ballare oltre 100.000 persone ogni anno, un personaggio che dopo ogni set si ferma a firmare autografi. I suoi fan su su Facebook sono cira 100.000, mentre il suo canale You Tube totalizza diversi milioni di visualizzazioni. Anche Cristian, come tante superstar internazionali, ha all'attivo diverse hit, molte delle quali racclte in We Are Perfect album compilation uscito nel dicembre 2011.
Tutto arrivato per gradi. La sua tecnica in console e la sua capacit di far scatenare ogni tipo di club, gli addetti ai lavori ed i clubber pi appassionati le conoscevano gia' bene, ancor prima di successi assoluti usciti nel 2007-2008, ovvero Feel The Love (col progetto Marchi s Flow, in top ten in diversi paesi) e We Are Perfect (In classifica in Italia, Spagna, Polonia, Australia). La consacrazione arrivata con Love, Sex, American Express , un tormentone ironico sul lifestyle da discoteca , un tipo di vita che tra l'altro Cristian proprio non conduce. In console beve solo acqua, fa sport con costanza ed il suo team quando in tour sembra quello di un atleta che deve concentrarsi al massimo prima una performance

Dal 2009 ad oggi tutto un susseguirsi di successi, spesso in collaborazione con colleghi come i romagnoli Nari Milani ( Let It Rain, I Got You Take Me To The Stars ) ed i tedeschi Syke'n'Sugarstarr ( Got Me Rocking ,cantata dalla bravissima Lisa Millett).

Da tempo Cristian in studio lavora con Paolo Sandrini (left in the above photos; produttore/songwriter negli anni '90 per Cappella, Antico, Gigi d'Agostino....) e con lui ha fondato la sua label, Violence Rec (www.violencerec.com).
Le sue giornate e le sue nottate, quando non in tour, di solito le passa in studio, a creare nuova musica e scoprire nuovi talenti.
Cristian Marchi has been a key figure on the European and Italian house scene for about 20 years. His productions and remixes are supported by some of the most important djs in the world like David Guetta, Calvin Harris, Dada Life and Bob Sinclar. From Mykonos to Poland, from Korea to Australia, from France to Spain and obviously in Italy, Cristian is always on the road and his progressive house makes clubs and festivals go crazy. Born in Mantova, in the north of Italy, in 1976, he is today a real phenomenon, a real pro of the mixer who can make hundreds of thousands of people dance every year... and after every set he?s glad to sign autographs for his fans. He has over 250.000 fans on Facebook and his You Tube channel has millions of views. Cristian like many international superstars has a lot of different hits and most of them are included in ?We Are Per- fect?, his album compilation released by Universal Music in December 2011. One thing led to another. His mixing technique and his ability to make the crowds go crazy was al- ready known to club lovers and professionals before his hits of 2007 - 2008, Feel the Love (which was released as Marchi?s Flow and reached the top 10 in many countries) and We are Perfect (in the charts in Spain, Polonia, Australia and Italy).What made him famous to an even bigger audience wa Love,Sex and American Express , an ironic an- them about disco lifestyle, a kind of life the Cristian is not used to living. In the dj booth he only drinks water, he?s a dedicated sportsman and when he?s on tour his team looks after him as if he were an athlete preparing for a performance... Since 2009 he has had one success after another, often together with colleagues such as Italian Nari Milani (Let It Rain, I Got ,Take Me To The Stars) and Germansuperstar Syke'n' Sugarstarr (U got me Rocking, sung by Lisa Millett)
For a long time Cristian has been working in studio with Paolo Sandrini (producer/songwriter in the '90s for Cappella, Antico, Gigi d'Agostino....) and together they founded the label Violence Rec (www.violencerec.com).
Cristian Marchi - One Night [Official Video HD]- Time Records
Video - Cristian Marchi feat. Max'C - Let's F**k [Official Video HD]
Video - Cristian Marchi - intervista