Arificial Ear Violoncello (Los Angeles Film Session series) ![]() Arificial Ear Virtuoso Violin (Los Angeles Film Session series) ReFill sample library designed exclusively for use in the NN-XT sampler in Reason 2.0 and higher by Propellerhead Software. LAFS Violoncello Pizzicato ReFill eur 6 circa LAFS Violoncello Sustain Vibrato ReFill eur 6 circa LAFS Violoncello Sustain Detache ReFill eur 6 circa LAFS Violoncello Portato Detache ReFill eur 6 circa LAFS Violoncello Staccato ReFill eur 6 circa Los Angeles Film Session: Virtuoso Violin eur 51 Downloadable Product For High-speed Internet Users Only Files are compressed in the ZIP format Los Angeles Film Session series (LAFS) Violoncello Designed exclusively for the Reason NN-XT sampler, the LAFS Violoncello ReFill Collection is a suite of high-quality violoncello ReFills. Scalable. Each ReFill in the collection is focused on a single articulation, or similar technique grouping, in vivid detail. And each ReFill is available for purchase and use completely independent of the other ReFill packages in the collection. This allows Reason sample enthusiasts an high level of customization in building the library they want, based on their individual needs Violoncello Pizzicato focuses solely on pizzicato, or plucked, cello samples. contains 13.1MB of post-compression content. Three (3) dynamic layers of the customary pizzicato articulation are included, as is the Bartok, or snap, pizzicato. All samples/dynamics (p, mf, f, and Bartok/"snap") have alternate notes/samples for added variance and realism. Artificial Ear's "vari tempo" release-sample programming has also been implemented in several .sxt patches for even more experimentation with this articulation. Violoncello Sustain Vibrato This focuses solely on cello sustain samples with vibrato. The vibrato naturally increases in intensity, with the mildest vibrato in the piano dynamic to the loudest in the forte layer. Violoncello Sustain Detache This focuses solely on detache cello samples. The notes sustain for approximately 2 seconds with a expressive, natural crescendo/decrescendo. With several alternate notes recorded for every note, in every velocity layer, creating realistic, alternate bow strokes is quite easy. The programming includes Artificial Ear's "vari tempo," where release samples allow users to create tempo-varied repeated-note patterns Violoncello Portato Detache This focuses on a shorter-note articualtion that is not quite marcato, not quite sustained. These short, bowed samples have a brief crescendo/decrescedno and are suited for performing some of the most idiomatic cello playing. Good realism . Violoncello Staccato This focuses on short, precise staccato notes. These short, articulated samples can be used in a traditional staccato fashion, quasi-spiccato, or even for realsitic arpeggiandi. Los Angeles Film Session series (LAFS) Virtuoso Violin A violin library that's built for your NN-XT sampler, LAFS: Virtuoso Violin contains over 1,300 samples and more than 200 patches. The variety of articulations and patches is truly remarkable, ranging from sustained notes to staccato to pizzicato. Also included are half and whole-step trills, tremolos, harmonics, saltando (spiccato), marcato, col legno, Bartok pizz, glissandi, tremolo glissandi, runs, arpeggiando, patterns, and more. In addition to the many articulations, the meticulous programming is also key to the realism of the library, using the NN-XT alternate note feature, velocity switching, and mod-wheel switching. Please take a moment to visit the Articulations Page to see the current patch list. The Demos Page contains mp3s of some of the patches in action. Articulations * Arco (1 layer) + Trem.sxt * Arco + no Attk.sxt * Bach Staccato.sxt * Dont Go In There (Really).sxt * Dont Go In There.sxt * Espressivo too.sxt * Espressivo.sxt * Fast Passage.sxt * Instant Bartok.sxt * Instant Copland.sxt * Min 3 Glide Up to Sus.sxt * Muy Staccato.sxt * Octave Sus.sxt * Quartet Major + Minor.sxt * Section Marcato.sxt * Section Staccato.sxt * Section Sustain.sxt * Stereo Glissando.sxt * Stereo Stac.sxt * Stereo Sus Long.sxt * Stereo Sus Short.sxt * Stereo Trem.sxt * Stereo Trip Pattern 160.sxt * Sus P + Trem P.sxt * Sus Shrt + Stac Alt Note.sxt * Sus Shrt + Stac.sxt * Trem sfz/Swell + Vol.sxt * Tremies.sxt * Triplet Ensemble 120 w Pizz.sxt * Triplet Ensemble 120.sxt * With The Wood.sxt * Sus Long A/Full.sxt * Sus Long Alt Note 1.sxt * Sus Long Alt Note 2.sxt * Sus Long B.sxt * Sus Long C.sxt * Sus Long Forte.sxt * Sus Long Mezzo Forte.sxt * Sus Long Piano.sxt * Sus Shrt Alt Note 1.sxt * Sus Shrt Alt Note 2.sxt * Sus Shrt Forte.sxt * Sus Shrt Full.sxt * Sus Shrt Mezzo Forte.sxt * Sus Shrt Piano.sxt * Saltando Alt Note.sxt * Saltando Forte.sxt * Saltando Full 2.sxt * Saltando Full.sxt * Saltando Piano.sxt * Staccato 1 (Full).sxt * Staccato 1 Alt Note.sxt * Staccato 1 Forte.sxt * Staccato 1 Mezzo Forte.sxt * Staccato 1 Piano.sxt * Staccato 2 (Full).sxt * Staccato 2 Alt Note 2.sxt * Staccato 2 Alt Note.sxt * Staccato 2 Forte.sxt * Staccato 2 Mezzo Forte.sxt * Staccato 2 Piano.sxt * Bartok Pizz.sxt * Pizz Forte.sxt * Pizz Full (w/ Bartok).sxt * Pizz Piano.sxt * Pizzicato Alt Note.sxt * Pizzicato.sxt * Harm Forte Shrt.sxt * Harm Long w Forte Shrt.sxt * Harm Long.sxt * Harm Open Alt Note.sxt * Harm Open.sxt * Trem Cresc.sxt * Trem Full (w sfz/Cresc).sxt * Trem sfz/Cresc.sxt * Trem Sul Ponti.sxt * Tremolo Forte.sxt * Tremolo Piano.sxt * Tremolo.sxt * Long Maj Tr (Full).sxt * Long Maj Tr (w Cresc).sxt * Long Maj Tr Cresc.sxt * Long Maj Tr Forte.sxt * Long Maj Tr Piano.sxt * Long Min Tr (Full).sxt * Long Min Tr (w Cresc).sxt * Long Min Tr Cresc.sxt * Long Min Tr Forte.sxt * Long Min Tr Piano.sxt * Short Maj Trill.sxt * Short Min Trill.sxt * Marcato 2.sxt * Marcato Alt Note.sxt * Marcato Full.sxt * 16th Maj Dn 120.sxt * 16th Maj Full 120.sxt * 16th Maj Up 120.sxt * 16th Min Dn 120.sxt * 16th Min Full 120.sxt * 16th Min Up 120.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Maj Dn 120.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Maj Full 120.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Maj Up 120.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Min Dn 120.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Min Full 120.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Min Up 120.sxt * Trip Maj Dn 120.sxt * Trip Maj Full 120.sxt * Trip Maj Full Alt Dn 120.sxt * Trip Maj Up 120.sxt * Trip Min Dn 120.sxt * Trip Min Full 120.sxt * Trip Min Up 120.sxt * Trip Up 5th/Oct Maj Dn120.sxt * Trip Up 5th/Oct Min Dn120.sxt * 16th Maj Dn 160.sxt * 16th Maj Full 160.sxt * 16th Maj Up 160.sxt * 16th Min Dn 160.sxt * 16th Min Full 160.sxt * 16th Min Up 160.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Maj Dn 160.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Maj Full 160.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Maj Up 160.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Min Dn 160.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Min Full 160.sxt * 16th 2 Oct Min Up 160.sxt * Trip Maj Dn 160.sxt * Trip Maj Full 160 w 5th.sxt * Trip Maj Full 160.sxt * Trip Maj Up 160.sxt * Trip Min Dn 160.sxt * Trip Min Full 160 w 5th.sxt * Trip Min Full 160.sxt * Trip Min Up 160.sxt * Trip Up 5th/Oct Maj Dn 160.sxt * Trip Up 5th/Oct Min Dn 160.sxt * 16th Pat (hstep Dn) 120.sxt * 16th Pat Alt Note 120.sxt * 16th Pat Forte 120.sxt * 16th Pat Full 120 w hstep.sxt * 16th Pat Full 120.sxt * 16th Pat Piano 120.sxt * Trip Pat (hstep UpDn) 120.sxt * Trip Pat Alt Note120.sxt * Trip Pat Forte 120.sxt * Trip Pat Full 120 w hstep.sxt * Trip Pat Full 120.sxt * Trip Pat Piano 120.sxt * 16th Pat (hstep Dn) 160.sxt * 16th Pat Alt Note 160.sxt * 16th Pat Forte 160.sxt * 16th Pat Full 160 w hstep.sxt * 16th Pat Full 160.sxt * 16th Pat Piano 160.sxt * Trip Pat (hstep UpDn) 160.sxt * Trip Pat Alt Note 160.sxt * Trip Pat Forte 160.sxt * Trip Pat Full 160 w hstep.sxt * Trip Pat Full 160.sxt * Trip Pat Piano 160.sxt * Lng Rn Dn Maj.sxt * Lng Rn Up Maj.sxt * Lng Rn Up/Dn Maj.sxt * Lng Rn Dn Min.sxt * Lng Rn Up Min.sxt * Lng Rn Up/Dn Min.sxt * Maj 4th Rn Dn 120.sxt * Maj 4th Rn Up 120.sxt * Maj 4th Rn Up/Dn 120.sxt * Maj 4th Rn Dn 160.sxt * Maj 4th Rn Up 160.sxt * Maj 4th Rn Up/Dn 160.sxt * Gliss Long (Full).sxt * Gliss Long Dn.sxt * Gliss Long Up.sxt * Gliss Medium 1 (Full).sxt * Gliss Medium 1 Dn.sxt * Gliss Medium 1 Up.sxt * Gliss Medium 2 (Full).sxt * Gliss Medium 2 Dn.sxt * Gliss Medium 2 Up.sxt * Gliss Min 3rd (Full).sxt * Gliss Min 3rd Dn.sxt * Gliss Min 3rd Up.sxt * Gliss Short (Full).sxt * Gliss Short Dn.sxt * Gliss Short Up.sxt * Gliss Trem (Full).sxt * Gliss Trem Dn.sxt * Gliss Trem Up.sxt * sfz.sxt * Wide Vib.sxt * Behind Bridge FX (full).sxt * Behind Bridge FX Swell.sxt * Bridge FX Cresc/Decresc.sxt * Arco Chrd Maj/Min.sxt * Pizz Chrd Maj/Min.sxt * Col Legno Battuto 1.sxt * Col Legno Battuto 2.sxt * Col Legno Tratto.sxt |
Artificial Ear PO Box 18846 Encino, California 91416-8846 contact form |
advanced technologic sound magazine 2006 June issue 150